07 junho 2010

Ref: No. 33205190 (A.K.A. "lucky number")


7 June 2010

Dear Diana
Thank you for your recent application to Goldsmiths to join our MA Media and Communications programme of study.
I am pleased to confirm that we would like to offer you a place on the above programme and that the details of your offer, including any conditions of entry which might apply, will be sent out to you by the Admissions Office within the next few weeks.

Please respond to b.ludlow@gold for any queries relating to deposits and always quote your reference number on all correspondence.
Please do not hesitate to contact me (b.ludlow@gold.ac.uk) should you have any questions regarding this process.
Yours sincerely,
Brenda Ludlow

Postgraduate Secretary

Department of Media & Communications (Room MB257)

Goldsmiths, University of London

6 comentários:

  1. Anônimo16:17

    parabéns, novamente. you deserve it.

  2. congrats amiga!!! Lindo o campus da Goldsmiths!

  3. parabéns! e nem precisou da carta da ex-chefa :)

  4. Eles jamais perderiam a chance de ter alguém como vc lá, jamaaais! Hhahaha! Lov u baby, a lot! Hav fun!

  5. Anônimo10:45

    Eu abro um sorriso enorme e penso: Ela conseguiu!!!

    Não te falei que o mundo era seu.
    Eu sempre soube
    Agora, vc também sabe.

    te amo e to muito feliz.
    Ainda temos as cartas, que agora, viram com um novo colore.
    see u soon

    xxx, eu



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